In the past, we have exclusively bred from the best drone colonies of the previous year at the Friedrichskoog land mating station. This procedure has proven successful and we will continue to do so in the future. Once in 2019, however, we also bred from queens with a particularly pronounced hygienic behaviour, which were not at the mating station. In 2022, we will again have enough queens at our disposal that were at the breeding station in the previous year and from which we will then breed again. The path to our breeding mothers takes place in close cooperation with the operators of the Friedrichskoog mating station:
- Approximately 150-200 daughters from a selected drone mother are mated in Friedrichskoog in the previous year.
- Of these sisters, the best 60 are set up as drone colonies in the actual breeding year at the mating station.
- From these we select the 3 best queens as breeding mothers in the following year.
- The daughters of these breeding mothers are mated with a new drone line introduced to our mating statiion in Friedrichskoog and sold to our customers. The new drone mother is of course not related to the breeding mother.
Lines 2023
Mother drone:
B12(DB)= .20-365(DB)nsmEL750(LS) : .19-V267iiq (DB) balB84(TR)
.17-b007(NK)insV28(NK) : .16V951(PJ) ins B589(ABR)
.15-V36(PJ)insV154H(RL)1dr : .14-V992(PJ)insV964(PJ)1dr
.12-V961(PJ)ins capVSH-2A
Breeding morthers:
14, 23 und 52 (BZF) = .21- B87(DB) frkg B236(DB)
LINES 2022
Mother drone:
leg. 87 (DB) = .18-V263(DB)leyB34Vt(LS) 1.dr
Our drone mother for the breeding season 2022 was bred like the breeding queens 2021 also by Detlev Biel. He has described his B87 in detail on the homepage of the breeding station.
Drone Line – Belegstelle Friedrichskoog (
Breeding mothers 2022
As in previous years, we have selected 3 breeding mothers from the approx. 40 drone colonies still available from 2021 in spring. This procedure has proven successful and is the last selection by me.
73 (BZF) = .20- B234(DB) frkg B562(PJ)
In 2019 inseminated queens from the breeding of Jos Guth/Paul Jungels were purchased. We decided to breed from the matings B822(PJ) into V880(PJ). They were only kept as yielding colonies in 2020 and have met our expectations in every respect. The three existing queens of identical parentage have so far coped well with the mite and did not need to be treated. After the 2020 breeding season, these queens were relocated to Mini Plus units to limit their egg laying.
imq B144(FBL) = .19-B822(PJ) into V880(PJ) 1dr
From this B144(FBL) we will breed in limited numbers in 2022 and offer these queens mated in Friedrichskoog under the name “HYG+ Buckfast Queen”.
In addition, we sold overwintered queens from last year’s mating:
Mother queen
Father queens
LINES 2021
Mother drone:
leg. 236 (DB) = .17–V280(NK)mmB66(NK).
A detailed description can be found in the autumn letter 2020.
Breeding mothers 2021
7, 13, 72 (BZF) = .19-ivq.B562(PJ) frkg B15(LE)
As in previous years, we have selected 3 breeding mothers from last year’s 40 remaining drone colonies in spring. These are the mothers for our breeding queens.
Breeding mother 2021, HYG+
imq B144(FBL) = .19-B822(PJ) ins V880(PJ) 1dr
In 2019 inseminated queens from the breeding of Jos Guth/Paul Jungels were purchased. We decided to breed from the mating B822(PJ) ins V880(PJ). It met our expectations in every aspect. The colony has so far handled well the mite and did not need to be treated.
From the B144(FBL) we will follow up in 2021 on a limited scale and offer these queens mated in Friedrichskoog under the designation “HYG+/Varroa untreated queen”.
Linien 2020
Mother drone:
B562 (PJ) = .19–ivq. B621(PJ) ins B138(PJ)
Breeding mothers 2020
B63 (BZF) = .18-imq. B15(LE) frkg B92(DB)
Breeding mothers 2020, HYG+
imq. B29(BZF) = .18- imq. B15(LE) ley B34Vt(LS)