Buckfast-Zucht EN


Apiary Dr. Peter Stöfens shop for Buckfast Queens (BZF)


Welcome to the Buckfastzucht-Friedrichskoog (BZF)

You are looking for high quality buckfast queens?
Then you have arrived at your destination!

Important: Unfortunately, shipping is difficult this year and involves a lot of hassle. We will therefore only be accepting new orders for shipping within Germany for the rest of the season.
We ask for your understanding! Exception: UK. We are shipping queens to the UK on 6 August, which will then be forwarded by a British beekeeper. Please send me an email if you are interested.
With kind regards, Jens Steinfeld

For more than 20 years, Dr. Peter Stöfen has been supplying high-quality, natural inseminated Buckfast queens for breeding and natural inseminated  queens to almost all over the world. Here on the rough west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, we produce our queens under optimal conditions using the mating station Friedrichskoog.

We are constantly working to improve the quality of our queens and the processes in order to be able to provide our customers with Buckfast queens in a planned and reliable way.

It goes without saying that a lot of beekeeping passion and heart and soul is involved in the handling of the bees. Both are the real prerequisites for successful work with the animals entrusted to us. And: added value is created through appreciation, this credo of Father Anselm Grün applies to the bees in a special way.

You are welcome to purchase these queens from us.

Click here to go to the shop. (Shippings only inside EU)

And here to download the order form:
German: 2024 Bestellformular
English: 2024-orderform


And if you ever want to watch us work…
Buckfastzucht Belegstelle Friedrichskoog – Begattungseinheiten MiniPlus – YouTube
Königinnen zeichnen & MiniPlus Einheiten egalisieren – YouTube