Buckfast-Zucht EN


Apiary Dr. Peter Stöfens shop for Buckfast Queens (BZF)

Buckfast Queens for UK!

Dear beekeeper colleagues,

As last year, we will be able to deliver a larger number of Buckfast breeding queens and also economic queens to England.  This year
delivery will take place on 6 August, on August 7, they will then be sent on within Great Britain by express mail.

Invoicing and shipping is done by a British beekeeper friend.
Please order by EMAIL. We will forward the mail and then contact you
Best regards, Jens Steinfeld

2024 – Dates of shipping

Dear fellow beekeepers,

First shipping (subject to availability):

Economy Queens:
1st dispatch, Monday, 10. June 2023
then every Monday thereafter

Mated breeding queens
1st dispatch, Monday, 10.6.
then every Monday thereafter

Selected breeding queens
1st dispatch: Monday, 24.6.
then every Monday thereafter

Last dispatch: early September depending on availability and temperatures.

2024 Shipping: Costs, Time, Traces

Dear fellow beekeepers,

when it comes to designing the costs for shipping, we are unfortunately dependent on the prices of the shipping companies. We will do our best to offer you the best deal. However, it is crucial for us that the queens arrive quickly and, above all, safely. Not all companies are equally well positioned in all countries. Unfortunately, we have to reserve the right to pass on price increases to you during the season by the shipping companies.

Prices per delivery:

(One delivery, up to 7 queens)

Inside Germany: DHL Express, EUR 22.00

Abroad: Companies.
Delivery only within the EU. EUR 60,-
Shipping exclusively as “DHL Warenpost”. Including Tracking.
3 – 5 working days.
The price includes reporting the shipment to the European Union Traces System.  To do this, you must be registered exactly as an “Terrestrial Animal Establisment at the European Traces System.
Please contact us in advance by email if you want to use this service!

Abroad: Private Persons.
Delivery only within the EU. EUR 25,-
Shipping exclusively as DHL Warenpost. Including Tracking.
Delivery time: 3 – 5 working days

Unfortunately, direct shipping to Great Britain is not possible for us  due to the complicated customs regulations.

Please note: The express shipping of queen bees by air freight with providers such as dhl Express, Fed Ex, ups etc. is (unfortunately) excluded by the applicable transport conditions. Because we send the queens destined for abroad on Monday, they usually arrive in the same week.

We therefore ask for your patience.

Lines 2024

Linien 2024

Drohnenlinie 2024 auf der Buckfast-Belegstelle Friedrichskoog

Drohnenmutter 2024 Friedrichskoog:

B356(DB) =          .20 – B236(DB) leyh B7(ABK) 1 dr [24 dr.c.] :

                                 imq.17 – V280(NK) mmdb B66(NK) :

                                 .16 – V260(NK) ins V280(DS) :

                                .13 – V302(DS) ins Bmix(DS) :

                                imq.13 – VSH ligustica x not registered …

Unsere Drohnenmutter für die Zuchtsaison 2024 stammt noch aus der wertvollen Arbeit von Detlev Biel. Ich konnte sie in ihrem dritten Jahr nochmals prüfen- eine außergewöhnlich gute Königin!  Auf der Homepage der Belegstelle wird die Linie B356 demnächst detaillierter beschrieben.

Zuchtmütter 2024

Von den letztjährigen (2023) Drohnenvölkern B12 werden wir, wie in den vergangenen Jahren, die drei besten ausselektieren und davon nachziehen. Diese Auswahl trägt meine Handschrift. Sie erfolgt im Frühjahr, erst dann werden die Nummern benannt

Zuchtmütter sind:

B94  (BZF) =    .22- B12(DB) frkg B87(DB)

Von diesen Zuchtmüttern können Sie wie gewohnt standbegattete Wirtschaftsköniginnen, belegstellenbegatte Königinnen und ab Mitte/Ende Juni selektierte Königinnen beziehen. Letztere befinden sich mindestens 3 Wochen in Eiablage – diese Königinnen haben ihre Töchter gesehen.

Darüber hinaus werden wir im Frühjahr 2024 über erstklassige, überwinterte Königinnen der Hauptanpaarung 2023 verfügen:

            .23- B14(BZF)frkgB12(DB)

 Sobald die Temperaturen es zulassen, d.h. ca. Mitte Mai, werden diese versendet, so dass relativ früh von ihnen nachgezogen werden kann. Es handelt sich um reife  Königinnen, die sich  in voller Eiablage befinden. Sie haben  zum Zeitpunkt des Versandes in der Regel 2 – 3 Mini Plus Zargen aufgebaut und sich bewährt. Den Einsatz dieser Tiere für eine frühe Zucht möchten wir ihnen besonders  ans Herz legen.

B12(DB)=      .20-365(DB)nsmEL750(LS)     :      .19-V267iiq (DB) balB84(TR)

.17-b007(NK)insV28(NK)         :       .16V951(PJ) ins B589(ABR)

.15-V36(PJ)insV154H(RL)1dr    :     .14-V992(PJ)insV964(PJ)1dr

.12-V961(PJ)ins capVSH-2A

New Homepage

Dear beekeepers,
Dear Friends of Buckfastzucht Friedrichskoog,

unfortunately our homepage was attacked and hacked by some crazy people end of January 2020. Therefor we decided to erase the old one complete. And set up a new one. Meanwhile the German version and the Shop is ready and online. The english version takes a litte bit longer.

We work hard to get it done as soon as possible.

If you are interested to order buckfast queens please use the german shop (if possible) or send us an e-mail telling us which queens you want. I will take care of the rest!

Best regards, Jens